Monday, September 16, 2024

New Lawsuit Filed Against NY DA Alvin Bragg Regarding Political Persecution of Trump

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: One way to counter the lawfare being practiced by the Left against conservatives in general, and President Trump in particular, is to fight back using the same tools the Left uses - the legal system. Fortunately, a few organizations are starting to do just that, such as America First Legal and Judicial Watch. Others need to join. If we are going to successfully resist the Elites and their Deep State apparatus, we must fight back. We can no longer be afraid to fight back because we fear looking bad or mean, or because we fear what how we will be portrayed in the media or pop culture. 

The following is an unedited press release from  America First Legal (AFL), dated September 16, 2024. Links are to web pages of the AFL. 

9-16-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) sued the New York District Attorney’s Office for records related to New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s partisan prosecution of President Trump.

AFL filed this lawsuit to obtain the following critical records from D.A. Bragg’s Office:

  • Communications between D.A. Bragg’s Office and the Biden-Harris Campaign, the Democrat National Committee, Color of Change, and CREW.
  • Documents and communications relating to campaign fundraising off of prosecuting President Trump.
  • Documents and communications mentioning or relating to Alvin Bragg’s campaign and campaign, fundraising, or “Eliot” or “Spitzer” or “PAC.”
  • Communications between D.A. Bragg’s Office and Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, or her political consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns.
  • Calendars for Alvin Bragg and his top lieutenants.

This lawsuit is part of AFL’s ongoing investigation into the New York District Attorney’s Office over concerns of impartiality, politically motivated prosecution, and the weaponization of the justice system. 

In March of 2023, AFL launched an investigation into D.A. Bragg’s Office to obtain its internal and external communications regarding President Trump and determine if political motivations played a role in D.A. Bragg’s prosecution of President Trump.

Following the partisan conviction of President Trump in New York and credible allegations of improper collusion between D.A. Bragg’s Office, the Biden White House, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and allied leftwing dark money groups, AFL opened additional inquiries into D.A. Bragg’s Office for relevant records in June.

This June, after more than a year of stonewalling AFL’s requests, D.A. Bragg’s Office granted access to one single-page record.

Furthermore, D.A. Bragg’s Office admitted it possesses dozens of emails or other communications mentioning President Trump with the Department of Justice — but refused to provide these records on “grand jury secrecy grounds.”

Interestingly, D.A. Bragg’s Office’s admission to the existence of these records appears to directly contradict a claim made by DOJ in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan that same month, which stated DOJ found zero email communications “between any officials in Department leadership, including all political appointees in those offices, and the District Attorney’s office regarding any investigation or prosecution of the former President.”

AFL recently sued the New York District Attorney’s Office to obtain access to all records of D.A. Bragg and his staff discussing Judge Merchan or President Trump, and all records of communications between D.A. Bragg and his staff with the Biden White House, DOJ, and allied leftwing dark money groups. 

As part of this ongoing investigation, AFL also sued the DOJ last month to obtain records regarding Matthew Colangelo, a key figure in the partisan and politically motivated prosecution against President Trump in Manhattan. The American people deserve transparency, and AFL will do everything it can to uncover these records for the public. 

Statement from Dan Epstein, America First Legal Vice President: 

“It is incumbent for Alvin Bragg’s office to meet its transparency responsibilities. The public record now reveals a direct contradiction between statements from the U.S. Department of Justice and Bragg’s own office about coordination between the two. And now it would appear that groups like Color of Change may be coordinating activities between Washington, D.C., and New York City behind the scenes,” said Dan Epstein.

Read the lawsuit here.


AD:  Resistance Operating Concept (ROC), by Otto C. Fiala and the Joint Special Operations University Press, teaches "developing a nationally authorized, organized resistance capability prior to an invasion and full or partial occupation resulting in a loss of territory and sovereignty." Although specifically written to address a foreign invasion, the ideas and concepts it presents could certainly be used by the people to resist an oppressive or tyrannical government. (This is the book Pastor Joe Fox of Viking Preparedness, and Bear of Bear Independent have often recommended.) 

Friday, September 13, 2024

VA: Fairfax County Schools Sued for Forcing Students to Use “Preferred Pronouns” and Allowing Men in the Girls’ Bathroom

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: The LGBTQ+ political and social agenda, along with the destruction of parental rights, continues to be pushed hard by the Left. They want control of the family, especially your children. Expect this to only continue and even increase under a Harris regime, including a takeover of the Supreme Court. For now, the good news is that there is pushback happening against their woke agenda. 

The following is an unedited press release from  America First Legal (AFL), dated September 13, 2024. Links are to web pages of the AFL. 

9-13-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, more plaintiffs joined the lawsuit filed by America First Legal (AFL) against the Fairfax County School Board. The case was originally filed on behalf of a female student at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) for allowing teenage boys to use the female restrooms and for forcing students to accept radical critical gender theory, in violation of students’ free speech and free exercise rights under the Virginia Constitution. 

Fairfax County School Board has repeatedly tried to dismiss the case and prevent the court from reviewing its policies. At every step, AFL has fought back, and today’s development ensures that Fairfax will have to answer for its policies and violations of students’ constitutional rights.

Statement from Ian Prior, America First Legal Senior Advisor:

“For years, parents have been fighting back against Fairfax County Public Schools patently unconstitutional policies. Now, students are joining that fight to vindicate their rights, as are all other students who have been subjected to FCPS’s clear abuse of state power. We are proud to stand up for those students and ensure that FCPS is exercising its great responsibilities in accordance with Virginia constitutional and statutory law,” said Ian Prior.

Read the amended complaint here.


The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Amazon Link) - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

CDC Documents Reveal Foreign Collusion in Government's Censorship Regime

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: Free Speech, given to us by God and guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, is under assault by leftist politicians and activists, as well as the Deep State. Their desire to control everything, including what people say and think, knows no bounds, including colluding with foreign governments. Another shift towards fascism and tyranny brought to us by the Left.   

The following is an unedited press release from  America First Legal (AFL), dated September 13, 2024. Links are to web pages of the AFL. 

9-13-2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal released new documents exclusively obtained in its litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). AFL obtained the slide deck used in a presentation by the United Kingdom’s “Counter Disinformation Unit,” to the Biden-Harris National Security Council (NSC) Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) on August 10, 2021. This release comes on the heels of calls from House Cybersecurity Subcommittee Chairwoman, Nancy Mace, to ensure that the 2024 election is protected from the deep state censorship that was prevalent in the 2020 election. 

As a part of the NSC’s regular interagency meetings on censoring COVID-related speech in the United States, the White House hosted the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) from the U.K. government in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques. Some of the UK’s recommendations to the Biden-Harris Administration included: 

  • Establishing a dedicated unit to lead government-wide censorship efforts; 
  • Enacting legislation for the government to regulate the misinformation and disinformation policies of tech companies, and punish them if they refuse to comply with government censorship demands;
  • Create and maintain partnerships with companies to “flag” disfavored content;
  • Use the foreign policy apparatus to coordinate this shared agenda between aligned governments and multilateral institutions;  
  • Leverage its control over social media to “counter disinformation” and promote leftist dogma.

This meeting was attended by high-level staff from the White House, the NSC, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Departments of State, Treasury, Defense (DOD), Homeland Security (DHS), and Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Agencies for International Development (USAID) and Global Media (USAGM), as well as high-ranking officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. 

At this meeting, the CDU outlined how they have been censoring the British public, and these documents expose how left-wing authoritarian governments across the globe are working together to attack free speech.

During the censorship meeting, the Biden-Harris NSC invited the British government to share its censorship playbook. They recommended creating a dedicated hub to lead government-wide censorship efforts, passing legislation to enable the government to coerce social media companies, and enlisting the Department of State to partner with foreign allies and multilateral institutions to coordinate the global censorship agenda. 

  1. A centralized hub to lead government-wide censorship efforts 

The Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) is a British “cross-departmental” body that coordinates censorship programs across the whole of the British government. They “support formulation of a coordinated Government response” to the “threat” of misinformation (anything the government deems false). 

The CDU coordinates the British censorship program with private companies such as social media platforms and non-profits. The CDU includes components of the U.K.’s foreign policy apparatus, domestic and foreign intelligence services, and individuals working directly for the Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office’s National Security Unit.

Separate AFL litigation uncovered that the Biden-Harris Administration convened similar public-private censorship partnerships in the U.S. well into 2024. For example, AFL succeeded in dissolving the Orwellian Homeland Intelligence Experts Group in litigation that labeled Trump supporters as “Domestic Terrorism Threats.” 

Around election time, the CDU stood up a “Central Election Cell” to kick censorship efforts into overdrive. 

During the U.S. 2022 Midterm elections, the Biden-Harris Administration similarly set up a National Election Command Post within the FBI.

  1. Enacting censorship laws

In the meeting, the CDU shared how their proposal would allow them to directly coerce social media platforms to ensure that the government’s censorship demands were followed. By creating a new duty of care, the proposed legislation empowers a British regulatory agency to demand the censorship of content that the U.K. government deems harmful. The U.K. Online Safety Act came into force in October of 2023 and is the basis under which U.K. law enforcement officials have threatened to extradite and jail U.S. citizens. The law parallels recently resurfaced comments made by then Senator Kamala Harris in 2019, which called for the DOJ to punish social media companies that allowed “disinformation” and “misinformation.”

A separate AFL investigation has confirmed that the Biden-Harris White House solicited policy recommendations from the British-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)—the group behind the U.K. Online Safety Act—and adopted commitments to hold companies accountable through DOJ prosecutions and FTC enforcement actions for allowing “online harassment” on their platforms. 

  1. Establish regular lines of communication between government and social media platforms

The CDU also relies heavily on “trusted flagging relationships.” Effectively, this means when the government directs social media companies to censor specific posts and individuals. This behavior of flagging posts led AFL to initially file the lawsuit, which resulted in the production of these documents and is at the heart of the Missouri v. Biden case, in which AFL filed two key amicus briefs on behalf of dozens of members in the House of Representatives. Prior releases obtained by AFL in this litigation revealed that the Biden-Harris Administration had also engaged in this sort of “trusted relationship” partnership with social media companies even before this meeting. 

  1. International government pressure

The presentation appears to show that the U.K. government engages its foreign policy apparatus to further its censorship agenda and encouraged the U.S. to do the same. One of the so-called “significant benefits” of this approach would be, according to the presentation, that this unified front of government pressure would “encourag[e] cooperation from platforms.”

The U.K. Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State appear to play important similar roles in this international government censorship partnership. By coordinating across left-wing authoritarian governments, they can manipulate the global population into believing that there is no alternative to massive government censorship of social media, and “industry” would “efficiently implement[] new systems and processes.” In 2021, the U.K. boasted of a close working relationship with the U.S., Australia, and Canada, as well as bilateral relationships with 20 additional countries. This begs the question: how many nations have come on board with this initiative by now? To explore the depths of these censorship partnerships, AFL recently launched investigations into potential involvement by the Biden-Harris Department of State in heavy-handed retribution against Telegram and X for refusing to censor their platforms. 

The CDU presentation also highlights the role of multilateral institutions in this international engagement, specifically identifying the G7’s Rapid Response Mechanism and the United Nations Interagency Platform on Culture for Sustainable Development (IPCSD) under the heading: “Multilateral cooperation to counter disinformation.” The logos of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the European Center for Excellence of Countering Threats are visible under the heading, “International training and capability.” 

  1. Promote leftist dogma

Part of the U.K. government’s presentation included a description of a U.K. initiative called the “Counter Disinformation and Media Development Programme,” which was active in Eastern Europe from 2016 to 2021. According to their “Theory of Change,” one of the outcomes of this scheme was that the targeted populations would “reduce identification with pre-existing social biases” and increase “support for gender equality” and “liberal democratic values.” These terms may sound innocuous, but in practice, they are covers for left-wing social re-engineering experiments. For instance, money from the CDMD Programme was used to fund the “Global Disinformation Index,” which runs an “advertising blacklist” for websites that they allege push “anti-trans narratives.” 

These slides expose the Biden-Harris Administration’s cooperation with ideologically aligned leftist allies to push woke progressive dogmas while monitoring and censoring what Americans think and say. America First Legal will keep fighting tirelessly to protect and defend freedom of speech.

Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Executive Director:

“With no apparent appreciation for the irony that the First Amendment to our Constitution was adopted following our independence from Great Britain, these records show that the Biden-Harris regime apparently engaged with representatives from the United Kingdom on ways to more effectively censor the speech of Americans across the country. The Biden-Harris Administration’s desire to silence speech and control what information Americans are able to obtain is so extreme, so pervasive, and so over-the-top that they are willing to listen to foreign governments explain ways to better violate core constitutional rights of the American people. Freedom of speech is essential to the success of our democratic republic, and for the continued betterment of humanity. We will continue to expose those who oppose free speech, and will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans,” said Gene Hamilton.

See the full slide deck here and AFL’s previously obtained CDC documents here


The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Amazon Link) - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

State Dept Records Reveal Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: The weaponization of of various government agencies to go after dissenting opinions (supposedly protected by the first amendment) continues under Democrat leadership in the Biden-Harris administration. This is truly Banana Republic stuff, and a major step towards fascism and tyranny by the Left in this country. 

The following is an unedited press release from Judicial Watch, dated September 13, 2024. 

Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

9-13-2024  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 105 pages and 211 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. State Department in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show officials in the Biden State Department exchanging an article comparing Tucker Carlson’s February 2024 interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler’s handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany in the 1930s.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia after the State Department failed to comply with a February 7, 2024, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:24-cv-00840)) for:

All (2024) emails and diplomatic notes sent to and from the following officials referencing “Tucker Carlson:” Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary James O’Brien, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Yuri Kim, Deputy Assistant Secretary Sonata Coulter, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary Joshua Huck, Deputy Assistant Secretary Douglas Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary Jacqueline Ramos, and/or Deputy Assistant Secretary Christopher W. Smith.

On February 8, 2024, the Tucker Carlson Network and X (Twitter) ran Carlson’s interview in Moscow with Putin. It was the first interview with Putin to be granted to a Western journalist since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

The records obtained by Judicial Watch show the State Department has significant interest in the interview and significant interest in hiding its response to the interview.

In a nearly fully redacted February 20, 2024, email from top State Department official George Pyatt to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and European Affairs Christopher W. Smith, Pyatt attaches an article by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe titled “Dispatch from Munich: The lessons of appeasement for US lawmakers withholding support for Ukraine,” in which Kempe compares Carlson’s interview of Putin with Adolph Hitler handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany.

Kempe writes in the article that the Carlson-Hitler comparison is “not such a bizarre vehicle if one considers Carlson’s influence on a Republican minority in the House that is currently standing in the way of approving additional aid for Ukraine.”

A lengthy paper circulated by email among officials in the State Department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR) beginning on February 9, 2024, is almost entirely redacted. A portion of the paper is subtitled “Tucker Carlson interview of Putin?” This section of the paper is labelled “U” (Unclassified) but all of the content is redacted citing FOIA exemption (b)(5), which covers material considered to be “deliberative” in nature, or marked “non responsive.”

In the preceding email exchange State Department officials note that the paper has been prepared for Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien, who would be meeting the following Monday with reporters from the Washington Post, New York Times and PBS. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Yuri Kim then responds in the email thread, “Clear, with edits. One more Q [question]: What do you make of Tucker Carlson’s interview of Putin?” A press officer responds to Kim and others, “Thank you very much for the edits. Staff assistants, see attached for the updated paper to include lines on Tucker Carlson’s interview of Putin.”

After receiving a Reuters article on February7, 2024, titled “Putin Gave Tucker Carlson an Interview Because He Differs from One-Sided Media,” from the press office of the State Department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR), Deputy Asst. Secretary Sonata Coulter replies, “I was looking for a green-faced [nauseated] emoji but came up short.” A State Department official whose name is redacted replies, “Ha!”

On February 12, 2024, Tatiana Stanovaya sends a newsletter containing summaries of breaking news in an email with the subject “Putin’s Interview with Tucker Carlson; Nadezhdin: An Unexpected Challenge; Yandex, Sold: Who is Behind the Deal?” to Coutler. One of the article summaries states, “Putin’s Interview with Tucker Carlson. We dissect what went awry and the peculiar reaction Carlson’s visit elicited in Russia. We also uncover the tactical and strategic objectives Putin had in mind when he agreed to the interview.” Coulter forwards the newsletter onto a State Dept colleague: “I’m always intrigued by the teasers …” Her colleague, whose name is redacted but whose title is Director of the Office of Russian Affairs, responds, “The world wants to know!”

An email sent to Coulter on February 9 titled “Summary of Putin/Tucker Carlson Interview” by an intern working in the Office of Eastern European Affairs, characterizes the tone of the interview as “fawning,” and writes that “little new information was presented,” and that “Putin rambles on (and on and on) about Russian history.”

On February 9, 2024, the State Dept press office sends to the Director of the Office of Russian Affairs a document titled “Putin Interview with Carlson, Media Slam New Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief, New Initiative on ‘Undesirable’ Organizations,” which includes a synopsis of the Putin interview by Carlson. Officials then forward the documents to Coulter with the cover comment, “Lowlights from the Carlson interview.”

“Our lawsuit shows how the Biden State Department obviously had it in for Tucker Carlson and secretly briefed the press on Tucker’s interview with Putin but wanted to keep those briefings secret. This is corrupt,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
AD:  Bathtub WaterBOB - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Christians Are Facing Increased Censorship

By Tim Gamble

Tim's comments: This is a fast-growing concern, as Free Speech is under assault worldwide, including here in the US. The Authoritarian Left is doing everything possible to shut down the voices of conservatives, religious folks, and other traditional points-of-view. 

The following is from International Christian Concern (ICC). Please check out their website at for more on the persecution and genocide of Christians around the world.

Christians Worldwide Face Increased Censorship

9/6/2024 (International Christian Concern) — As more countries begin to censor free speech, an alarming trend is emerging, one where many Christian voices may be drowned out or muted altogether.  

Nations like China, North Korea, and Iran have long censored free speech, often targeting Christians for speaking out about or practicing their faith. In recent years, countries in the West, like Ireland, Scotland, and Finland, have followed suit and begun processes to stifle free speech, sparking concern among Christians as biblical worldviews have been condemned as hate speech. 

In Finland, a sitting member of the Finnish Parliament, Päivi Räsänen, was charged with “agitation against a minority group” in 2021 for a tweet she posted in 2019 and a pamphlet she wrote in 2004. Räsänen, a member of the Finnish Lutheran Church, questioned her church’s involvement in an LGBTQ pride parade in a tweet that included Bible verses. Additionally, in 2004, she created a pamphlet for her church that discussed gender roles as being male and female. As a result, police investigated her, and Finland’s prosecutor general charged her with three offenses under Finland’s “war crimes and crimes against humanity” criminal code. 

Since 2021, Räsänen has endured hours of police questioning, where she was asked to “explain her understanding of the Bible,” according to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). Twice, Räsänen has stood trial for her crimes and been acquitted. However, in April 2024, Finland’s state prosecutor appealed the not-guilty decisions and will take the case to the Finnish Supreme Court, where Räsänen will again stand trial for her Christian views. 

The repeated trials have been condemned and have gained global attention for their clear violation of Räsänen’s religious freedoms. 

Paul Coleman, international executive director of the ADF, criticized the proceedings. 

“The process is the punishment in such instances, resulting in a chill on free speech for all citizens observing,” Coleman stated. 

In Ireland, a bill criminalizing certain forms of speech is currently working its way through parliament. The legislation would, if passed, criminalize speech that may incite “hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain … protected characteristics,” which include religion and sexual orientation. Condoning “crimes against peace” would also become a criminal offense. The bill passed the Irish parliament’s lower chamber in April 2023 and is set to be examined by the upper chamber in the autumn. If approved, it would become law. 

Definitions of the terms “hatred” and “crimes against peace” are not clearly defined, raising alarm over potential misuse of the legislation, especially since Google and Facebook have headquarters in Ireland.  

Journalist Michael Shellenberger, in June, spoke out against the proposed law. 

“Somebody wants the power to censor speech they don’t like … and wants to control what you’re allowed to say … maybe [through] picking a small country where all these high-tech companies are as a way to create a backdoor into censorship,” Shellenberger said. 

Lorcan Price, Irish barrister and legal counsel for ADF International, also denounced the legislation. 

“The proposed ‘hate speech’ legislation would be one of the worst examples of censorship in the modern West. The bill purports to stamp out ‘hate speech,’ but fails to define what ‘hate’ is, allowing authorities to censor any speech the state opposes,” Price stated. 

Scotland has also come under fire for a speech law, which took effect on April 1. The law, known as the Hate Crime and Public Order Bill, “creates a new crime of stirring up hatred against any of the protected groups covered by the bill.” 

Famed Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has been openly condemnatory of the bill. On her website, she criticized the oppressive nature of the law. 

“The new law may open up to prosecution those in Scotland who believe and pronounce, publicly or in private, that biological sex is immutable and cannot be changed,” Rowling stated. “For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts, and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable.” 

Religious freedom and the right to speak freely go hand in hand. The growth in global censorship will undoubtedly trample religious freedom, especially the freedoms of those whose beliefs don’t line up with current global trends. 

“Once the premise is accepted that the state must censor public debate … there is no logical stopping point,” Coleman said. 

To read more news stories, visit the ICC Newsroom

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