Wednesday, January 22, 2025

9 More Books for The Resistance!

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

See the original 9 Books for The Resistance! (article link)

Suggestions from my readers (Thank You!): 

10) Gardening When it Really Counts, by Steve Solomon - Recommended by Bendy: "Probably need some help on getting logistics, specifically food, squared away. Serious basics when you can't buy supplies."  Available on Amazon.

11)  Cold Times: How to Prepare for the Mini Ice Age, by Dr. Anita Bailey - Also recommended by Bendy: "gardens, livestock, medicine, storing up, building, etc etc." Available on Amazon.

12) The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics In Afghanistan, by Lester Grau. Recommended by Skyler the Weird: "Insurgency from the perspective of the Soviet Occupiers. The Soviets discovered the Afghans didn't care to have a Dictatorship of the Proletariat just as we discovered they weren't interested in a Democracy with Rainbow Flags later on."  Available on Amazon.

13) The Geneva Bible - Recommended by SecessionIsTheAnswer: "This is the true patriots bible - written by men of God fleeing from persecution by bloody Queen Mary to Switzerland. There a team of dedicated individuals painstakingly translated into English, the Bible with all related notes & other information relating to the translations. This was printed and provided to all us serfs to read at home. Prior to this, only priests were allowed a copy of the Bible. Later King James commissioned the KJV of the Bible - wanting to re-establish in the Bible that priests and the ‘King’ are superior to the common man/serf. While the NKJV makes some improvements, the Geneva Bible was written as a direct communication between God and you. No priest or other 3rd party is required!" Available on Amazon and at

Additional suggestions from me:

14) The Art of War, by Sun Tze - This classic military study covers various aspects of warfare, including tactics, intelligence gathering, leadership, and the importance of adaptability. Available on Amazon.

15) War of the Flea: The Classic Study of Guerrilla Warfare, by Robert Taber - This book "began a revolution in conventional military thought that has dramatically impacted the way armed conflicts have been fought since the book’s initial publication in 1965." Available on Amazon

17) Guerrillas in the Mist: A Battlefield Guide to Clandestine Warfare, by Bob Newman - basic fieldcraft; mines and booby traps; tunnel construction and strategy; ambushes; urban and nocturnal tactics; interrogation, indoctrination and exploitation; psyops; and more. (Amazon link)

18) Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics, by David Kobler (SouthernPrepper1) and Mark Goodwin - This book "will give you the tools you need to put together a basic security plan for your homestead, neighborhood, or group retreat to keep the wolves at bay.Available on Amazon.

Additional suggestions?  Please leave them in the comments section below! 

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Monday, January 20, 2025

The True Nature of Aliens and UFOs: A Spiritual Perspective

By Tim Gamble
     Between Shadows and Light.

Last month I published two articles that proved quite popular. One was on Project Blue Beam (article link). The other was my "bare bones" notes on aliens, UFOs and demons (article link). This article is a more fleshed out version of that article. 

The True Nature of Aliens and UFOs: A Spiritual Perspective

In recent decades, the fascination with aliens and UFOs has permeated popular culture, media, and even scientific discourse. However, there exists a perspective, rooted in a Biblical worldview, that challenges the mainstream narrative about these phenomena. This article explores the probability that what we perceive as "aliens" and "UFOs" might instead be manifestations of demonic entities and their technologies.

Aliens as Demons and Hybrid Humans

The core of this viewpoint is that what are commonly referred to as "aliens" are in fact demons (fallen angels), and their offspring with humans, commonly called Nephilim (although there are actually many categories). These entities are believed to have the capability to either take on forms or create illusions that appear extraterrestrial. Furthermore, the concept of "Nephilim," hybrid offspring from the union of these fallen angels with humans, is often cited from ancient texts like the Book of Genesis and apocryphal books like Enoch. These are the "giants" often referred to in the Bible, These beings are thought to still influence or exist within our world, blending human and demonic elements.

Some Old Testament verses directly referencing Nephilim and their descendants:
  • Genesis 6:1-4
  • Numbers 13:33
  • Deuteronomy 2:10-11
  • Joshua 11:21-22; 14:12-15; 15:13-14
Some New Testament verses alluding to Nephilim, or linking back to the Genesis 6 narrative:
  • 2 Peter 2:4-5
  • Jude 1:6-7
  • 1 Corinthians 11:10
  • Ephesians 6:12
Apocryphal texts* of related to this topic:
  • Enoch
  • Book of Jubilees
  • Book of Giants
* Apocryphal texts do not carry the weight or authority of Scripture. Care must be given with any extra-biblical texts, as a number are provable fakes or directly contradict Scripture, and therefore should be dismissed. However, many are historically real texts, such as the ones on this list, and can provide useful insights.

UFOs: Illusions or Advanced Technology?

UFOs, according to this perspective, are not extraterrestrial spacecraft but rather are advanced technology or sophisticated illusions wielded by these entities. The technology could be from an ancient source or a manipulation of human perception, creating sightings that are inexplicable by current scientific understanding.

The technology being used could include advanced aircraft and drone technology, sophisticated AI systems (perhaps self-aware?), and advanced holographic technology.

The Adversary's Influence

Central to this concept is the figure of Satan, or the Adversary, who is seen as orchestrating these events. The narrative suggests that Satan, also known as the Father of Lies, and his followers use these manifestations to mislead humanity, sow confusion, and ultimately divert people from spiritual truths. The activities of UFOs and aliens, therefore, serve a darker purpose in this worldview — to deceive and prepare the world for a grand deception.

The Role of the Elite

This perspective divides the world's elite into several categories:

  • Knowingly Cooperative: I believe at least a few of the world's elites are aware of the true nature of these phenomena. They are part of a secretive cabal, perhaps through occult practices or secret societies. They knowingly work in tandem with these entities, perhaps even worshipping them.
  • Unwittingly Deceived: Others among the elite have been fooled into actually believing in aliens, either extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin. They view UFO sightings, alien abductions, and other encounters as proof of alien life and their highly advanced technology. They are unknowingly manipulated into actively supporting this agenda, believing they have been let in on official classified secrets.
  • Tools of Influence: Lastly, there are those in influential positions within media, academia, pop culture and even politics who are merely tools in spreading this deception, acting as pawns in a larger game.

Preparation for Revelation

The larger idea is that society is being conditioned or "prepped" for a significant revelation or event where the existence of "aliens" is revealed to the public. These aliens could bring "solutions" to the world's many problems, curing diseases (such as cancer or even a future disease like Covid, only deadlier), fixing climate change, solving the energy crisis, and so forth. This will "prove" their superiority and make them wildly popular among the people.

These aliens may even claim to have created (or seeded) the human race, declaring themselves as our creator gods, and ushering in a one-world government and one-world religion under their control.

It is highly likely that many of the world's problems, real or perceived, are intentionally being manufactured to create conditions of desperation among the people, so thatwe will blindly follow whoever provides the solutions.

We must not forget the demonic nature behind these events. This narrative warns against being deceived, urging a return to biblical prophecy and warnings about widespread deception in the end times.

Biblical Warnings

There is much more that can be said and written on this subject. I want to conclude this article by reflecting on biblical warnings, particularly from the New Testament, where it is suggested that even the elect could be deceived. This interpretation calls for vigilance, discernment, and a grounding in Biblical truth to navigate the complexities of these phenomena.

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." -- Matthew 24:24, KJV

Additional warnings against being deceived:
  • Deuteronomy 11:16
  • Proverbs 14:12
  • Isaiah 44:20
  • Matthew 7:15
  • Mark 13:5-6
  • Acts 20:29-30
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
  • Galatians 6:7
  • Ephesians 5:6
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:3
  • 1 John 4:1 
  • Revelation 2:20-23, 12:9, 13:14, 18:23, 19:20, 20:3, 
These passages collectively underscore the importance of spiritual vigilance, discernment, and adherence to Truth as revealed through scripture, as the world and even some among the followers of The Way (Yeshua, aka Jesus) will be deceived. The only way not to be deceived is to immerse ourselves into Scripture, and into a deep relationship with Elohim (God in the plural, meaning Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

Note: The concept presented in this article is not original with me. As presented here, this article represents my personal take. Others may have different views or even disagree entirely.

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